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Smoking Fetish Masturbation Sex Videos For Free

Smoking porn videos feature the most talented babes when it comes to multitasking. These girls will light up a cigarette and blow smoke while they are giving out a blowjob, smoking while doing a handjob, or even when they get fucked. These girls are bad in the best ways, they are naughty and they love breaking social norms while enjoying all the best things in life. The smoking fetish is strongly tied to BDSM and the dom/sub category in general. BDSM provides people with freedom, far away from pre-set social rules, and lets people take a step back. They are allowed to live a little, and indulge in sexual pleasure and fulfillment through roleplay. Smoking porn is part of many such roleplay scenarios. The one who smokes is usually the dominant party. This person can be any gender but it is usually an older woman, who knows exactly what she wants and she is determined to get it. Since these women are open to anything, many smoking videos star a bisexual female pornstar or amateur mistress. Smoking is an aesthetic, sexy, rebellious, a perfect addition to femdom roleplay. A cigarette can give character to even a naked person, they can present themselves as an authority figure, someone who can have absolute control. It is also a relaxing activity, which perfectly complements a hardcore sex scene or an erotic role play. The dominant woman can also share her cigarette with her partner, which builds a connection between them and is often considered to be more of a sensual act. has every flavor of smoking porn videos, whichever you desire! If you are more into cock loving sluts, who don’t want any stops or break between dicks, they can easily smoke while they are getting fucked as well. These girls can jump on your cock while they are blowing perfect smoke circles on their tits, or, you can peek into a solo girl’s masturbation session while she is fingering herself with one hand and smoking with the other. Once you get a taste of these girls, you’ll always want them to be sitting next to your bed, cum and sweat on their bodies, smoking after a huge orgasm.


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